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 Knee Bursitis

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The bursa is a structure found in multiple areas of the body where there are two opposing surfaces that produce friction. A common example is in the front of the knee. This bursa is called the prepatellar bursa or kneecap bursa.


The prepatellar bursa functions normally to reduce friction between the skin and the knee cap. It can become inflamed with frequent kneeling or from a direct injury to the front of the knee.

Another type of bursitis around the knee is called pes anserine bursitis. This is inflammation in the bursa that protects three tendons in the front of the knee.


Swelling and tenderness in the front of the knee may indicate that you have prepatellar bursitis. Fluid can fill the bursal sac and may need to be drained.

There are two general types of prepatellar bursitis --- aseptic bursitis and septic bursitis.

Aseptic bursitis is inflammation of the bursal sac without infection.

Septic bursitis occurs when the fluid in the bursa becomes infected. This condition is much more painful and the knee will likely become very red and fevers may develop.


Aseptic Prepatellar Bursitis

If there is only mile inflammation without a significant amount of fluid collection in the bursal sac and no signs of infection, the treatment is rest, protection of the surface of the knee and oral anti-inflammatory medications.

If there is a significant amount of fluid that develops then your doctor may want to remove the fluid. Corticosteroids may be given in chronic situations but may be a risk factor for developing septic bursitis.

In chronic conditions, when conservative measures have failed, removing the bursa may be recommended.

Septic Prepatallar Bursitis

If there are signs of infection and there is swelling of the bursa, the fluid should be drained and sent for laboratory analysis to try to determine what type of infection has developed. Antibiotics should be started.

If there is no resolution of the infection with antibiotics, surgery to remove the infected bursa may be necessary.