Home > Leg, Ankle and Foot > Calf Strain
The calf is comprised of three different muscles: the medial gastrocnemius, lateral gastrocnemius and the soleus. These muscles attach at the heel, forming the achilles tendon. They are responsible for extending the foot and bending the knee. The medial gastrocnemius is the most commonly injured of the three muscles and this is often referred to as “tennis leg”. Injury usually occurs with a sudden change of direction, especially during extension of the foot and flexion of the knee. This movement is common in tennis, but can occur in a number of sports or during everyday activity.
You may experience a sharp pain, swelling, and tenderness on the back of your lower leg. It is also not uncommon to hear an audible “pop” at the time of the injury. Often times, someone with a calf strain will report bruising between the calf and the ankle.
Your doctor will examine you, noting any swelling, tenderness, or weakness. Ultrasound will be used to visualize any swelling or soft tissue damage as well as grade the severity of the injury. If a deep vein thrombosis is suspected, a doppler ultrasound will be performed at an outside facility. MRI may also be performed for further evaluation.
Calf strains are graded on a scale of I (mild) to III (severe). Grade I injuries are generally treated with anti-inflammatory medications, rest and physical therapy. The often resolve in two weeks. Grade II injuries necessitate additional recovery time of roughly 6-8 weeks. Several months recovery can be expected for a grade III strain (complete rupture) and in rare cases, surgical intervention may be recommended. You and your doctor will determine which treatment is best for you based on the severity of your injury and your activity level.